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Managing the Expectations Your Friends and Family Put on Your Career
Rachel Serwetz
March 21, 2022
Managing the Expectations Your Friends and Family Put on Your CareerManaging the Expectations Your Friends and Family Put on Your Career
It makes sense that we turn to friends and family for career advice, but too often we rely on their opinions even when we know that what is best for us is something entirely different than what...
How (and Why) to Effectively Research During your Job Search
Rachel Serwetz
March 15, 2022
How (and Why) to Effectively Research During your Job SearchHow (and Why) to Effectively Research During your Job Search
There are various activities you should be doing in your job search beyond just applying to roles online.
Top 13 Tips for Staying Accountable to Your Career Goals
Rachel Serwetz
February 17, 2022
Top 13 Tips for Staying Accountable to Your Career GoalsTop 13 Tips for Staying Accountable to Your Career Goals
Here is our quick list to help you stay accountable and on track for your career goals...
Gain Confidence & Know Your Next Job Will Be Different
Rachel Serwetz
February 3, 2022
Gain Confidence & Know Your Next Job Will Be DifferentGain Confidence & Know Your Next Job Will Be Different
I have some clients who are fearful that if they job search, they may not be able to find a better situation. Rather than simply hoping for the best in your next role, or having your fears stall...
How to Break the Cycle of Job Hopping and Unfulfillment
Rachel Serwetz
January 19, 2022
How to Break the Cycle of Job Hopping and UnfulfillmentHow to Break the Cycle of Job Hopping and Unfulfillment
If you’re asking yourself “how do I break the cycle?” (of job hopping), or if you’re feeling like, “it never ends,” or “the workweek feels like 50 years long,” then I’m here to help.

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