I want to share with you all my reflections, lessons learned, and experiences as a nontechnical founder building software for those of you in a similar boat to learn from.
I don’t believe all job searching is a lost hope during these volatile times, BUT, if you think that based on your current target direction (ideal role, companies, and industries), that you may...
Your career strategy should be set like any other strategy — think about what you can afford to do in the near term and consider what’s in your best short term and long term interest, even if that...
My job is to help people who know they’re not in the right career path to pursue a process of learning and reflection in order to confidently figure out which career path they will truly enjoy.
In times where we have no choice but to slow down, it’s a reminder of the value in doing so. It’s a reminder that your reactions are the only thing you have control over.